
Simple, single amd gpu passthrough on intel platform.

We will be using some of the components from risingprismtv/single-gpu-passthrough guide; however, simplified it for plasma-wayland


  • OS : arch linux
  • Knl: 6.6+
  • DE : plasma-wayland (only)
  • DM : sddm
  • dGPU: rdna2
  • CPU: intel
  • VT-d and VT-x capable motherboard

Part -1 : Motherboard Bios

  1. Enable VT-d and VT-x in your motherboards BIOS
  2. Disable REBAR and 4G Decode
  3. Disable CSM

Part -2 : Bootloader and IOMMU

  1. Add the following parameters to your bootloader: intel_iommu=on iommu=pt
  2. Restart
  3. Follow the guide:

Note down the Bus ID for GPU:

  -VGA      (example) 03:00.0 
  -AUDIO    (example) 03:00.1 

Part -3 : Libvirt and Qemu

  1. Follow the guide:

Part -4 : Virtual Machine (VM)

  1. Follow the guide:

Part -5 : dGPU VBios and Binding

Warning the following may result in permanent DAMAGE, follow at your own RISK!

  1. Find your gpu vbios here and Download it:
  2. Rename the Vbios file to: patched.rom
  3. Create a Directory to store and use the vbios:
         cd ~/Downloads  
         sudo mkdir /var/lib/libvirt/vgabios
         cp ./patched.rom /var/lib/libvirt/vgabios/
         cd /var/lib/libvirt/vgabios/
         sudo chmod -R 660 patched.rom
         sudo chown YOURUSERNAME:YOURUSERNAME patched.rom
  1. Adding the vbios to the VM by following the guide, make sure to use the correct directory:

Part -6 : Inputs and Outputs

Passing USB & Audio Controller

  1. Follow:
  2. Instead of passing the GPU, pass-through your PCIE groups(every device in your group) for your Usb and Audio Controller

Part -7 : Scripts

Scripts to prevent host from sleeping and etc.

  1. Follow the guide:
  2. Edit usr/local/bin/ to look like the following:
    killall kwin_wayland
    systemctl stop sddm.service
  1. Edit usr/local/bin/ to look like the following:
  systemctl restart sddm.service
  1. Edit /etc/libvirt/hooks/qemu to change the name of the default VM name to match yours.



  1. CPU Performace Tuning,
  2. Potential Anti-Cheat Help, Libvirt Part Only (not tested, use at your own risk)

Know Issues

  1. Black screen after Guest(VM) shutdown, As far as I can tell, this is caused by SDDM (the display manager) failing to start properly, use lightdm instead. Its better to use for x11 based apps (lightdm and plasma)