
Golang Microservice with gRPC & Protocol Buffers

Primary LanguageGo

Golang Microservice with gRPC & Protocol Buffers

JSON in REST API vs Payload in Protocol Buffers Size

Payload in protocol buffers is much SMALLER compared to JSON. We can save a lot of bandwidth or storage space. Additionally, passing JSON is actually quite CPU intensive due to its human readable format compared to passing in protocol buffers which is a binary.

  • Payload in protocol buffers: faster, more efficiency
  • Good for mobile or micro-controller which have a weaker spec
  • Payload in protocol buffers is more restricting because the schema is fixed and we have types, cannot dynamically add parameters unlike JSON.
  • gRPC uses HTTP/2
  • gRPC also supports streaming unlike REST that only supports unary
  • gRPC is a free design unlike REST (GET/POST/UPDATE/DELETE)
  • gRPC is more secure because it is done by serializing the data into binary making TLS connection easy and giving an access to interceptors for authentication
  • gRPC is API oriented while REST is resource oriented
  • gRPC can generate code out of the box while REST needs OpenAPI/Swagger

Types API in gRPC

  • Unary: one client's request per one server's response (for traditional way, like REST)
  • Server Streaming: one client's request, multiple server's responses (for real time data from server like tax price streaming)
  • Client Streaming: multiple client's requests, one server's response (for client uploading or updating data)
  • Bi-directional Streaming: multiple client's requests, multiple server's responses (after the first request, the responses could arrive in any order)

The Reasons using Protocol Buffers in gRPC

  • Code Generation
  • Language Interoperability
  • Service & Message Definition

HTTP/2 has better performance than HTTP/1.1 because

  • TCP connection are re-used
  • Header are compressed
  • Binary payload by default

To run greet folder

  • run the command make greet
  • then bin folder will be generated which we can run ./bin/greet/server to start the server
