- 5
Bumping pkg version
#110 opened by habacucfm - 1
Truncated normal distribution
#109 opened by DrMattG - 0
- 3
Error when data is tibble
#105 opened by derekpowell - 4
setNode dbern bug
#104 opened by jarrod-dalton - 2
Change JAGS parameter names to R parameter names
#100 opened by nutterb - 0
Change HydePosterior to HydeSim
#101 opened by nutterb - 0
Update documentation in `setNode`
#102 opened by nutterb - 0
- 1
policyMatrixValues() returns null
#96 opened by jarrod-dalton - 12
Deterministic nodes with factor parents
#65 opened by jarrod-dalton - 6
- 2
HydeNet Model Gallery
#51 opened by jarrod-dalton - 4
- 3
- 3
Changes in upcoming v0.8 release of `DiagrammeR` package will require changes in `plot.HydeNetwork`
#93 opened by rich-iannone - 19
- 0
Changing graph layout
#91 opened by jarrod-dalton - 8
blackjack network does not compile
#54 opened by jarrod-dalton - 1
ArgumentCheck error in setNode()
#90 opened by jarrod-dalton - 4
[!] logit() and the VGAM package
#87 opened by jarrod-dalton - 0
Stan Integration
#89 opened by jarrod-dalton - 5
Store network images in vignettes as PNGs
#84 opened by nutterb - 4
Formula checking error
#86 opened by jarrod-dalton - 0
`setNode` doesn't have a `nodeData` argument.
#82 opened by nutterb - 4
- 1
Need an escape in `writeJagsModel` to ...
#72 opened by nutterb - 3
Register `HydeNet` with Zenodo
#80 opened by nutterb - 0
- 2
Vignette images on CRAN
#76 opened by jarrod-dalton - 5
Do we still depend on Rgraphviz?
#71 opened by jarrod-dalton - 9
What is the correct `cpt` model specification
#70 opened by nutterb - 1
- 2
factorRef and objects of class 'cpt'
#69 opened by jarrod-dalton - 2
compileJagsModel data argument woes
#67 opened by jarrod-dalton - 1
working with cpt classes is annoying
#66 opened by jarrod-dalton - 2
writeJagsModel() and cpt nodes
#64 opened by jarrod-dalton - 1
inputCPT error
#63 opened by jarrod-dalton - 20
- 4
coda.samples not working with observed data
#62 opened by jarrod-dalton - 3
Do we need to export as many functions as we do?
#55 opened by nutterb - 2
Validation warning message in setNode
#61 opened by jarrod-dalton - 1
Input CPT from console
#59 opened by jarrod-dalton - 4
cpt() with dplyr
#57 opened by jarrod-dalton - 1
current development branch is not loading
#56 opened by jarrod-dalton - 2
- 6
htmlwidgets dependency
#49 opened by jarrod-dalton - 2
- 2
- 3
plot.HydeNetwork() showing up in browser
#50 opened by jarrod-dalton