This repository is a collection of Jira scripts. They require jira-python, and currently depend on bugfixes in a fork. To check out this code, run: git clone This code requires the python requests and tlslite libraries. I have mainly tested it on Fedora 17, but upstream supports a wide variety of distros. To run any scripts in this repository, you should set your PYTHONPATH variable: export PYTHONPATH=/path/to/jira-python:/path/to/jira-scripts All scripts use as a helper for authentication; that script in turn expects to find a file at ~/.jira-python/jirashell.ini , with a format like: [options] server = [basic_auth] username = agrimm password = s3kr1t Note that this same config file can be used to run jirashell from jira-python's tools subdirectory. jirashell provides an interactive jira client via ipython.
Example scripts for pulling data from Jira with jira-python