
Official AngularJS web client for the ProtonMail secure email service.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION

ProtonMail Web Client

Official AngularJS web client for the ProtonMail secure email service. ProtonMail also makes use of OpenPGPjs as our message crytography is PGP compliant.


We are currently working with our community to localize ProtonMail from English to most of the world's major languages. If you're interested in being part of this translation project, send us an email to contact@protonmail.ch with the subject line "ProtonMail Translation Project [Your Language]" and we will offer you more information about it.

Basic Installation

⚠️ You must have node.js >= v6

  • $ npm install
  • $ npm start

If you have docker, and prefer to not install node (or anything else) locally

  • make start to start the app on a container (use make localurl to find the url where it's running)
  • make test to build the app (actual tests are still to come)

There is a very good chance you won't be able to use the app locally because of various security headers and such. But you should be able to get the code running enough to poke around and inspect it.

We are still in Beta and will have a more refined build process, installation instructions, unit tests, and all that good stuff once we exit Beta.


We are very open to bug reports via Issues as well as Pull Requests.


  1. Create a new version + tag => $ npm version --(patch|minor|major)
  2. Deploy via grunt grunt deploy --api=X --dest=Y

Then don't forget to do a git push --tags to push the tag

CLI Flags

  • --no-open: Stop the browser from automatically opening
  • --no-ghost: Switch off Clicks, Scrolls & Form inputs on any device

Branch naming conventions

For a fix

  • fix/<your feature>

For a feature

  • feat/<your feature>
  • or feature/<your feature>


$ npm test

To edit test it's better to run $ npm run testwatch (tests with a watcher)

End to end testing for AngularJS


$ npm install -g protractor
$ webdriver-manager update

Start up a Selenium Server:

$ webdriver-manager start

To run selenium you can use docker if you don't want to install Java :

$ docker run -d -p 4444:4444 -v /dev/shm:/dev/shm selenium/standalone-chrome:2.53.0

cf Selenium Docker

Run tests:

$ npm run e2e -- --params.password1 "XXX" --params.password2 "XXX"

default account is qatest123, you can change that using --params.login "xxxx"

$ npm run e2e

Run a scenario:

$ npm run e2e -- --suite=login

CLI Flags

  • --dest : Deploy dest
  • --api : Set an API for the app (dev, live, etc.)
  • --article : Change the path to the article (for a custom version)
  • --api-version : Set a custom api version
  • --app-version : Set a custom version (_ex: --app-version=3.8.20)
  • --patch : Change version, increment patch
  • --minor : Change version, increment minor
  • --major : Change version, increment major

--major|minor|patch come from The semantic versioner for npm

Dev flag

  • --no-open: Do not open the browser on dev


Copyright (c) 2013-2016

Proton Technologies A.G. (Switzerland)

Email: contact@protonmail.ch

License: https://github.com/ProtonMail/WebClient/blob/public/license.md