Django v1.65 on OpenShift v3.2014

This git repository helps you get up and running quickly with django v1.65 and Openshift March 2014 release. ###Features

  • Ready to use for local development
  • Easy to push to Openshift
  • Configured for PostgreSQL 9.2
  • Minimal changes to default django 1.6x installation
  • Names follow the django 1.6x tutorial
  • Uses new folder layout from Openshift March 2014 release
  • Allows for debug mode on Openshift with the help of an environment variable.

###How to use this repository

sudo gem install rhc
rhc setup
  • Create a Python 2.7 application
rhc app create django python-2.7
  • Add the PostgreSQL 9.2 cartridge
rhc add-cartridge postgresql-9.2 --app django
  • Add this upstream repo
cd django
git remote add upstream -m master
git pull -s recursive -X theirs upstream master
  • Push the repo upstream
git push
  • SSH into the application to create a django superuser
python app-root/repo/ createsuperuser

Configuration details

When a git push is done, the .openshift/action_hooks/deploy is executed. This script does two things:

  1. Runs python syncdb to update any changes to the Schema
  2. Runs python collectstatic to move all necessary static files into /wsgi/static

Debugging mode and Openshift

By default, debug mode is off when pushed to Openshift. However, if you'd like to turn on debugging (settings.DEBUG) while running on Openshift, you can set the environment variable DEBUG to True and then stop and start your application, and debugging will be turned on.

rhc env set DEBUG=True