Nuwber's RabbitEvents provides a simple observer implementation, allowing you to publishing and handling for various events that occur in your applications. For example, if you need to react to some event occurred in another API.
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Use amqp-ext for the faster work
#132 opened by eugene-nuwber - 2
Add option --message-ttl
#90 opened by masterjus - 2
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Getting "PhpAmqpLib\Exception\AMQPInvalidArgumentException: String too long" on message delay when I start listener without event names
#123 opened by webartisan10 - 3
When the listener starts without an event name then with large numbers of events it returns an error
#121 opened by pavorekhov - 0
Write more information on Exception Ocurred
#117 opened by masterjus - 0
Add protobuf as the transporting content-type
#89 opened by masterjus - 5
Question about graceful restarting.
#103 opened by Xachman - 3
Horizon Support
#99 opened by zek - 0
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Connection option is not working
#98 opened by zek - 5
sync or dummy driver for testing environment
#73 opened by colq2 - 0
Worker stoped after 3 tries with error: "[INFO] Worker has been stopped with the status code 1"
#94 opened by vmedve - 0
Configuration file is ignored
#87 opened by renepardon - 2
Config not properly read
#72 opened by nenadvv - 12
ShouldBeUnique Support
#74 opened by zek - 4
exception Illuminate\Container\EntryNotFoundException when try using command
#79 opened by ahmed-ouredu - 3
Implement `publish` method and helper.
#29 opened by masterjus - 3
Support php 8
#65 opened by iusik - 5
[QUESTION]: Deploying to productioin
#60 opened by welsipieters - 8
Do payloads have to be JSON?
#56 opened by Xachman - 0
Need example files
#51 opened by masterjus - 1
Can't install this package
#49 opened by ThanhSonITNIC - 0
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Make a separate config for rabbitevents
#39 opened by masterjus - 17
Fanout support?
#36 opened by Alexwijn - 8
Support Laravel 6.0
#27 opened by rgergo67 - 0
Add Laravel 6 support.
#28 opened by masterjus - 16
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Fanout events
#16 opened by devmsh - 3
Target [Interop\Queue\PsrContext] is not instantiable while building [Nuwber\Events\BroadcastFactory].
#15 opened by seivad - 2
PsrContext not instantiable
#12 opened by corradomatt - 2
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Need more tests
#3 opened by masterjus