
Steamhourboost v2 - with native support for 2FA!

Primary LanguageCoffeeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

##steamhourboost v2

This new version natively supports two-factor authentication using the shared secret of your app.

To add new users to the database.json run coffee user.coffee and follow the instructions.

By default it will boost the games CS 1.6 and CS:GO. If you want to change the games that are being boosted, edit the database.json directly!

How to install

First you need to install a recent version of node.js, coffee-script and pm2:

wget --no-check-certificate "https://nodejs.org/dist/latest/node-$(curl -L 'nodejs.org/dist/index.tab' | sed -n '2p' | awk '{ print $1 }')-linux-x64.tar.gz" -O /tmp/nodejs.tar.gz
sudo tar --strip-components 1 -xzvf /tmp/nodejs.tar.gz -C /usr/local
sudo npm -g install npm@latest
sudo npm -g install coffee-script pm2

Afterwards upload this script to your server, or clone it using git:

# If git is missing on your server google on how to install it.
# On Debian/Ubuntu the command is 'sudo apt-get install git'
git clone https://github.com/frk1/steamhourboostv2.git

cd into the folder and install the dependencies

cd steamhourboost
npm install .

How to use

After that you can add accounts using coffee user.coffee. When you are ready, start the script using pm2:

pm2 start boost.coffee

That's it!

Can I use my old db.json file?

Not directly. But you can convert it:

coffee converter.coffee

That's it, your new database.json is ready!

How do I restart the script?

That's easy. Just tell pm2 to do so:

pm2 restart all

If you have multiple processes running you may want to specificy the id of the process to restart, you can find it using

pm2 ls

Telegram Bot

There is an optional telegram bot included to generate 2FA tokens using telegram.

To use it you will need to aquire a bot token from @BotFather. Google on how to do that.

Execute coffee telebot.coffee once and it will create an empty telebot.json. Set your bot token in it and start the bot again.

Ask your bot about your id (use telegram, not the console):

Your id is **********

Set your id as admin_id in the telebot.json. Now you can start your telegram bot using pm2 start telebot.coffee.

That's it! Your bot is now waiting for your requests. Ask him about your /2fa tokens! It will ask which account you mean.