
Extract GPS data from Picture with exiftool `-n`

Primary LanguageJava

About nuxeo-labs-decimal-gps

This plug-in uses exiftool with the option -n to extract GPS metadata in decimal format. This makes it easier to deal with positive and negative direction, and easier to integrate with services like Google Maps.


The plugin includes a custom operation, Document.GetGPSData, that accepts params that correspond to the EXIF tags GPSLongitute, GPSLatitude, and GPSPosition (which is a composite tag).

The values of the parameters are XPATH fields of the input document that will get these values. For example, say input document has the gps (custom) schema with 3 fields, gps:DecimalLatitude, gps:DecimalLongitude and gps:DecimalPosition. Calling the operation:

. . .
input = Document.GetGPSData(
  input, {
    'latitudeField': 'gps:DecimalLatitude',
    'longitudeField': 'gps:DecimalLongitude',
    'positionField': 'gps:DecimalPosition'


Building requires the following software:

  • git
  • maven
  • exiftool


git clone https://github.com/nuxeo-sandbox/nuxeo-labs-decimal-gps
cd nuxeo-labs-decimal-gps
mvn clean install


These features are not part of the Nuxeo Production platform.

These solutions are provided for inspiration and we encourage customers to use them as code samples and learning resources.

This is a moving project (no API maintenance, no deprecation process, etc.) If any of these solutions are found to be useful for the Nuxeo Platform in general, they will be integrated directly into platform, not maintained here.


Apache License, Version 2.0

About Nuxeo

Nuxeo Platform is an open source Content Services platform, written in Java. Data can be stored in both SQL & NoSQL databases.

The development of the Nuxeo Platform is mostly done by Nuxeo employees with an open development model.

The source code, documentation, roadmap, issue tracker, testing, benchmarks are all public.

Typically, Nuxeo users build different types of information management solutions for document management, case management, and digital asset management, use cases. It uses schema-flexible metadata & content models that allows content to be repurposed to fulfill future use cases.

More information is available at www.nuxeo.com.