
Apache Commons DBCP

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Java CI

This is a fork of apache/commons-dbcp which aims to provide a Jakarta compatible version of the library.

Original readme can be found there.

You can download this library from our artifactory.

Direct link is https://packages.nuxeo.com/service/rest/repository/browse/maven-public/org/apache/commons/commons-dbcp2/.

Or with Maven:


Release the project

Make sure the project builds and its tests pass.

Then create a temporary branch to perform the release:

git checkout -b tmp-release

Then update the project version to final, for instance 2.12.1-NX01:

mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=2.12.1-NX01 -DgenerateBackupPoms=false

Then commit and tag the release:

git commit -a -m "Release 2.12.1-NX01"
git tag -a -m "Release 2.12.1-NX01" commons-dbcp-2.12.1-NX01

Then deploy the maven artefacts:

mvn clean source:jar deploy -DskipTests -DaltDeploymentRepository=maven-vendor::default::VENDOR_URL


You should replace the VENDOR_URL. Your Maven settings.xml file should contain appropriate authentication (if any) for the maven-vendor repository.

Then push the tag:

git push --tags

Then cleanup your branch and prepare the next development iteration:

git checkout DBCP_2_X_NX_BRANCH
git branch -D tmp-release
mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=2.12.1-NX02-SNAPSHOT -DgenerateBackupPoms=false
git commit -a -m "Post release 2.12.1-NX01"
git push