Pinned issues
- 10
- 1
#101 opened by Ashrakk - 16
Not work on nuxt 3
#86 opened by dacoto97 - 0
- 1
Why not just include an SVG file?
#97 opened by notflip - 3
Cannot read properties of undefined
#96 opened by TuguldurJ - 6
Not getting dynamic loading working in Nuxt 3
#95 opened by mklueh - 2
Can't load SVG using Vite
#88 opened by kamil-hammouche - 1
Dynamic import for external urls
#94 opened by OlesyaKlochko - 1
How to use dynamic imports with Vite?
#93 opened by retroriff - 7
Is it possible to load SVG's (raw) from external source (like a headless CMS)?
#92 opened by Expanddigital - 2
- 1
- 1
Bundling to parent module
#87 opened by alex-artigas-housfy - 2
Base64 encoding increases size of original svg
#90 opened by fliptheweb - 6
Typescript error
#29 opened by filipwronski - 5
Issues when using with Jest
#84 opened by adamchipperfield - 1
Same default as Nuxt when query not provided?
#50 opened by rchl - 5
- 1
Handle unique IDs
#48 opened by tatemz - 2
Cannot import module '@nuxt/builder'
#85 opened by thely - 4
npm publish
#83 opened by manuelodelain - 0
SVGO support for inline query
#74 opened by mrleblanc101 - 1
- 5
help proposal
#79 opened by manuelodelain - 1
Using ressourceQuery `/blockType=script/` to only convert to vue component svg inside `<script>`
#81 opened by mrleblanc101 - 1
Load from server
#78 opened by imanmalekian31 - 1
yarn - not available
#76 opened by konstanzzz - 9
- 0
- 3
- 1
Support for sprites?
#70 opened by christian-reichart - 2
- 5
Dynamic file name in src attribute
#55 opened by ryanw3b3r - 2
[Feature] dynamically color svg Ids
#65 opened by JohnMica - 3
- 0
- 2
Docker can't find @nuxtjs/svg
#51 opened by soaresdude - 2
- 4
- 1
TypeError: ""exports" is read-only"
#46 opened by adinvadim - 9
[object Module] instead of src value
#45 opened by mkrajinov - 5
Cannot read property 'test' of undefined
#41 opened by Heziode - 2
Usage in storybook and a custom webpack config
#43 opened by tonioriol - 5
- 2
file-loader 6.x breaks imports
#40 opened by simllll - 0
PR #35 missing in master
#42 opened by suits-at - 2
raw loader not working
#34 opened by vana-dev - 2
- 1
Does not appear to modify webpack config
#30 opened by silverbackdan