- 0
coderabbitai and eslint missing dependencies
#527 opened by oritwoen - 14
After update from 0.4.0 to 0.5.0: no-unused-vars returns TypeError: Cannot use 'in' operator to search for 'type' in undefined
#472 opened by TimGuendel - 7
Problem with Nuxt Playground linting
#501 opened by GaborTorma - 3
eslint module not working nor the script command
#525 opened by Pijuli - 0
- 2
Enabling typescript-eslint typed linting
#499 opened by Ingramz - 2
@nuxt/eslint-config@0.7.1 does not export the createConfig or createConfigForNuxt functions
#523 opened by mgav - 1
Module ignores .gitignore and scans ignored subfolders after updating to version 0.5.6
#496 opened by s00d - 4
Error while loading rule '@typescript-eslint/no-unused-expressions': Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'allowShortCircuit')
#518 opened by naruko-hstk - 3
Missing Github release
#522 opened by mrleblanc101 - 2
`vue/no-side-effects-in-computed-properties` does not work with `defineNuxtComponent()`
#512 opened by mbrocks1337 - 4
- 2
Dependency Conflicts with eslint@8 and eslint-config-flat-gitignore needing eslint@9
#507 opened by rmannjbs - 8
eslint.config.mjs is not generated
#508 opened by 5ym - 1
Absolute root in `eslint.config.mjs`
#513 opened by Revadike - 1
Error: Cannot find module 'typescript'
#514 opened by Revadike - 0
Outdated `vite-plugin-eslint2` peerDependency
#516 opened by mrleblanc101 - 3
Conflicts with eslint-plugin-import
#509 opened by alexcroox - 25
Error: Cannot find module 'typescript'
#494 opened by Revadike - 6
Add rule(s) to sort keys in `nuxt.config.ts` to keep everything in order
#465 opened by stefanobartoletti - 3
- 4
- 1
Typescript not properly supported
#510 opened by kaaax0815 - 1
`vue/multi-word-component-names` should be disabled for some specific files
#505 opened by stefanobartoletti - 0
[uncaughtException] Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'lintFiles')
#502 opened by GaborTorma - 3
- 0
- 5
Root in `eslint.config.mjs`
#495 opened by Revadike - 0
'Unexpected token' linting error when `type` appears inside `<script setup>`
#492 opened by AloisSeckar - 1
Error: Cannot find module 'typescript'
#485 opened by Revadike - 3
Parsing error: Unexpected token :
#490 opened by ProxBoss - 1
Nuxt 4 Support
#487 opened by offizium-berndstorath - 2
- 0
ConfigError: Config "antfu/imports/rules": Key "plugins": Cannot redefine plugin "import".
#474 opened by milos018 - 3
Nuxt 4 Support
#479 opened by offizium-berndstorath - 1
Not compatible with Vue script tag `ts`
#476 opened by KillerJulian - 10
Parsing error: Unexpected token error
#470 opened by tobychidi - 3
Upgrade to typescript-eslint v8
#456 opened by RihanArfan - 0
- 0
- 0
Add `public` folder to the ignore list
#453 opened by stefanobartoletti - 3
- 5
- 6
Several built-in Nuxt globals are not defined in ESLint config, causing linter to error in JS files
#461 opened by adamreisnz - 4
Using @nuxt/eslint installs eslint version 9.6.0, causing the peer dependency warnings.
#463 opened by h-harsh - 12
Allow `no-undef` also on plain JavaScript files, not just Typescript
#452 opened by stefanobartoletti - 8
Add Tailwindcss class sorter
#441 opened by cetuuus - 1
Nuxt Deployment on DigitalOcean // ERROR Cannot find module '/workspace/@nuxt/eslint'
#448 opened by simonmaass - 4
Question: Unexpected key "typescript" found
#445 opened by ryanuo - 3
docs: add how to use composer
#440 opened by shinGangan