
Marketing feedback

benjamincanac opened this issue · 8 comments

We're working on the design of the Nuxt UI v3 documentation. If you're using Nuxt UI and want to be featured on the new website, feel free to comment on this issue with testimonials, showcases of apps or brand logos. It would really help to make Nuxt UI more popular.

Thanks a lot!

I've been using Nuxt UI for Uneed for a while now, and I love it 😊. It helps a lot with consistency in design, and as you can see on the website is highly customizable to your needs!

I use Nuxt UI for most of my freelance work. On Aerorozvě (Czech drone developers and manufacturers for Ukraine), designers had strict design requirements and Nuxt UI proved surprisingly customizable, meeting their specific needs while maintaining efficiency.

I utilize Nuxt UI in my project Shelve, and I would be very proud to show how Nuxt UI can be amazing!

sent commented

Hello, heavily uses Nuxt UI which is great!


We’ve been using Nuxt UI and Nuxt UI Pro for 6 months, and it has been a game-changer for our team. We launched our corporate site with Nuxt UI / UI Pro and are now rebuilding our main applications, Benevolt and Espace Asso, with it.

Its flexibility, customizability, and seamless Nuxt integration make it perfect for small teams like ours. Excited to migrate to version 3, it looks fantastic!

Maxime Pauvert, CTO of Benevolt

We are using Nuxt UI v2 (Pro) at 🚀

Been using NuxtUI (and Pro) for all my new apps, including ( and gosh, I don't know why I didn't start to use it before
Makes me work 10x faster. 90% of what I need is there so I don't have to waste time making components from scratch, I can just customize NuxtUI ones