Pinned issues
- 5
Nuxt UI ohash error in Caroussel Component
#3470 opened by 1MisterT - 0
How To Style NavigationMenu items
#3517 opened by mydnic - 1
UTable crash when both rows and columns are undefined
#3463 opened by hugobqd - 1
Nuxt 3.16.0 - ships with @unhead2
#3513 opened by StirStudios - 4
- 0
UTree: support UContextMenu
#3510 opened by suabahasa - 0
Link does not respect `exact`
#3506 opened by rigtigeEmil - 2
PageMarquee with testimonials have performance trouble
#3454 opened by Cyriljshaz - 2
Form validation bug
#3503 opened by ivanmaxlogiudice - 1
scroll in the modal
#3459 opened by XpPort - 0
TypeScript error with nested properties in `InputMenu` `valueKey` and `labelKey`
#3505 opened by dannote - 3
NuxtUI and Tailwind doesn't work
#3500 opened by SantiagoGelvez - 2
Components styling performance
#3433 opened by vitalijalbu - 3
Responsive Menu Items in <UNavigationMenu>
#3492 opened by frankdema - 3
- 2
Lucide Icons fail to load properly
#3494 opened by Nyantekyi - 2
UTree: option to toggle expand/collapse only when expand/collapse icon is clicked
#3496 opened by wordiboi - 1
For the PageList component, the first child is correctly converted to a li, the remaining ones are still divs and haven't been converted. Also, the data-orientation value of the first li is incorrectly forced to vertical.
#3485 opened by adasir - 2
Type importing causes error
#3498 opened by VATICAN-PSYCHO - 3
- 1
Missing useSlideover Composable in nuxt/ui Beta
#3437 opened by kalicki2k - 7
Pagination component list slot seems to be broken
#3441 opened by ValdoTR - 0
docs: other calendar systems
#3446 opened by HessamCheraghi - 1
- 11
useOverlay and find overlay instance
#3440 opened by schillerenrico - 3
Control the width of sidebar
#3476 opened by awais019 - 1
typeCheck: true - build errors
#3478 opened by gygoo - 3
Form improvements
#3471 opened by adrianrudnik - 0
Disabled items in USelectMenu are still selectable
#3474 opened by brenodanyel - 1
The searchInput of the USelectMenu doesn't work when put the USelectMenu inside a Modal
#3475 opened by A-Elshorafa - 0
Adding CatalĂ language
#3477 opened by Cyril30 - 1
UPagination Next Page error
#3469 opened by VinylVault - 1
Table: custom cells of Nxt UI components with templates
#3467 opened by molsrg - 1
Button and Checkbox baseline
#3466 opened by alex-eri - 1
IOS Safari can't slide when using UModal too much content, and the Android browser slides normally
#3462 opened by dj20150624 - 0
Wxt integration
#3461 opened by pierre-sigwalt - 0
Dropdown Menu type error
#3458 opened by randi-raharja - 0
- 2
DropdownMenuItem type
#3456 opened by randi-raharja - 1
Override Slot for Accordion Trigger
#3455 opened by tcampbPPU - 6
useOverlay props type lost
#3436 opened by yveeven - 0
- 0
[v3] Wrong type on `dirty` property of `UForm`
#3450 opened by nandordudas - 0
How to achieve old table loading state
#3444 opened by itpropro - 3
Does Select work with NuxtLink/UI Link?
#3443 opened by Baroshem - 3
UModal and useOverlay compatibility Issue
#3432 opened by labbedaine - 0
Multiple checkboxes (like Vue form binding states)
#3438 opened by yooouuri - 0
[Table] Typescript issue on Table component
#3439 opened by joris-paqt - 3
Expose v-model values in authForm
#3430 opened by stijns96 - 2
How to get current modal/slideover instance?
#3429 opened by jovrtn