
Edit Nuxt Content website with a visual editor, in production.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Nuxt Studio Module


This module is now deprecated as it has been integrated in Nuxt Content version 3. Check the documentation for more info about how to enable Studio preview with Content v3. You can still use it if you're using Nuxt Content v2 but we recommend moving to the v3.

Official module of Nuxt Studio.

Edit your websites made with Nuxt Content, in production on any device.

📖  Official Documentation



Install the dependency to your project:

npx nuxi@latest module add studio

Then, register the module in your nuxt.config.ts:

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  modules: [


Check out our setup requirements.

By default the Studio API is https://api.nuxt.studio. If you want to customise it, you can set the STUDIO_API environement variable.

# .env

Nightly Builds

You can install the latest nightly build of the Studio module by running:

npx nuxi@latest module add studio


  • Run pnpm i to install dependencies.
  • Run pnpm dev:prepare to prepare the module in development mode.
  • Run pnpm dev to start the dev server using playground/ as the project.
  • Visit http://localhost:3000/


MIT License

Copyright (c) NuxtLabs