:card_index_dividers: Create a HTML table that can be sorted, selected, and post-processed.
- 1
Migrate from Travis-CI to Github actions (workflows)
#19 opened by nuxy - 0
Removal of legacy version support (including Bower)
#18 opened by nuxy - 1
"It's the new style".. Tidy-Table v4 and beyond
#17 opened by nuxy - 1
New Task: Replaced packer module with uglify due to lack of NPM support (deprecation)
#14 opened by nuxy - 1
Color table rows based on condition
#13 opened by j-flowers - 1
How pass JSON data from URL?
#12 opened by bubnenkoff - 7
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Table data not refreshing?
#11 opened by JacquesPerrault - 1
Wrong detection of jQuery version
#7 opened by dbackowski - 1
postProcess row function
#9 opened by deely3 - 1
Porting JSON data to Tidy-Table
#3 opened by frontiercarlos - 4
- 3
- 2
Sorting numbers with "thousand" separators
#6 opened by sauy7