
Offline Geocoder

Primary LanguageRubyApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Build Status Code Climate Gem Version Gem


A gem for offline reverse geocoding. It uses data from the GeoNames project.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'offline_geocoder'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install offline_geocoder


require "offline_geocoder"
geocoder = OfflineGeocoder.new
results = geocoder.search(51.5214588, -0.1729636)
p results

The above code will output this:

{:lat=>51.51116, :lon=>-0.18426, :name=>"Bayswater", :admin1=>"England", :admin2=>"Greater London", :cc=>"GB", :country=>"United Kingdom"}

Alternatively, you can use named parameters when searching:

results = geocoder.search(lat: 51.5214588, lon: -0.1729636)

Searching for names or attributes

You can search for names, countries and such. The first result will be returned.

Searches are case sensitive and must match entirely. e.g. "York" will not find "New York", and "Cote dIvoire" will not match "Cote d'Ivoire".

require "offline_geocoder"
geocoder = OfflineGeocoder.new
aus = geocoder.search(name: "Bayswater")
p aus
gb = geocoder.search(name: "Bayswater", country: "United Kingdom")
p gb

The above code will output this:

{:lat=>-37.85, :lon=>145.26667, :name=>"Bayswater", :admin1=>"Victoria", :admin2=>"Knox", :cc=>"AU", :country=>"Australia"}
{:lat=>51.51116, :lon=>-0.18426, :name=>"Bayswater", :admin1=>"England", :admin2=>"Greater London", :cc=>"GB", :country=>"United Kingdom"}


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install.

Contact Me

If you find any bugs or have a problem while using this library, please open an issue in this repo (or a pull request :)).