
Python module for the handling of MDL SDF files

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Python module for the handling of MDL SDF files.


sdfrw.py provides the following functions:

  • sdfReader(fh) yields compounds stored in an opened sdf file (this is an iterator, not a function)
  • sdfWrite(fh, mol) that writes a single compound, mol, to a previously opened text file accessed to by file handle fh
  • sdfTransform(filenameIn, filenameOut, transformation=defaultTransformation) that reads molecules, transforms them, and writes them in an other file. The defaultTransformation leaves compounds unchanged.
  • sdfHasProp(mol, sdfprop) --> Boolean
  • sdfGetPropList(mol) --> List of strings
  • sdfGetProp(mol, sdfprop) --> String
  • sdfClearProp(mol, sdfprop) --> (Boolean, molecule)
  • sdfClearAllProps(mol) --> molecule
  • sdfSetChangeProp(mol, sdfprop, sdfvalue) --> (Boolean, molecule)
  • sdfSetNoChangeProp(mol, sdfprop, sdfvalue) --> (Boolean, molecule)
  • sdfEmptyMol() --> molecule
  • sdfGetMolBlock(mol) --> String
  • sdfSetMolBlock(mol, molblock) --> molecule
  • sdfGetTitle(mol) --> String
  • sdfChangeTitle(mol, newtitle) --> molecule

sdfrw.py does not depend on any toolkit of cheminformatic functions.

Reading and writing .sdf files with molecule storage as a dictionary with two keys:

  • "molblock", giving access to the molblock without the final '\n' and
  • "keyvals", giving access to a list of pairs, the first value is a sdf property name and the second value is a whole property and value text without the final '\n\n'.


python demo.py

"demo.py" performs a few transformation on file "flavonoids.sdf", writes the result in file "qualified_flavonoids.sdf", and then queries molecules for the value of the No_CE property.

Demo_result\ contains "qualified_flavonoids.sdf" and "demo_printout.txt", a copy of the text sent to the terminal.

python updater.py prints what to do with "updater.py".

Updater_result\ contains "flavonoids_updated.sdf", the result of

python updater.py Name flavonoid_names.txt < flavonoids.sdf > flavonoids_updated.sdf

that sets or resets Name property in "flavonoids.sdf" with values from "flavonoid_names.txt"

python copy.py < fileIn.sdf > fileOut.sdf

copies "fileIn.sdf" to "fileOut.sdf " with short tag-name lines, such as > <idx>