
A GruntJS task to remove dev and test only code blocks from production builds

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


The grunt-strip-code plugin is used to remove sections of code from production builds that are only needed in development and test environments. grunt-strip-code uses start and end comments to identify the code sections to strip out. For example:

/* test-code */
/* end-test-code */


A use-case for this practice is to make private JavaScript functions accessible to unit tests without exposing them in production builds. This blog post goes into more detail about the concept and implementation.


Travis CI

Branch CI Tests
master Build Status Coverage Status
develop Build Status Coverage Status


Branch CI
master Build Status
develop Build Status

Getting Started

This plugin requires Grunt >=0.4.0

If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

npm install grunt-strip-code --save-dev

Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:


The "strip_code" task


In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named strip_code to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig().

  strip_code: {
    options: {
      // Task-specific options go here.
    your_target: {
      // Target-specific file lists and/or options go here.



Type: Array Default value:

blocks: [
        start_block: "/* test-code */",
        end_block: "/* end-test-code */"

The blocks array contains one or more objects which define the boundaries of the text blocks to be deleted.


Type: String Default value: /* test-code */

The text of the opening comment used to identify code to strip.


Type: String Default value: /* end-test-code */

The text of the closing comment used to identify code to strip.


Type: array Default value: []

You can also supply your own RegExps to match against.


Type: boolean Default value: false

Turns on check that makes sure if you blocks have same amount of start/end pairs in your code.


Type: boolean Default value: false

Turns on check that makes sure if you blocks does not intersect between each other.


Type: String Choices: 'lf', 'cr', 'crlf' Default value: ''

Unless one of the choices is explicitly specified, end-of-line defaults to the operating system specific character(s).

Usage Examples

The following source code exposes the bar function to the public API for testing, but the bar function should not be accessible in the released library. grunt-strip-code (with the default options) will remove the comment blocks from the example below keeping the bar function private in production:

(function() {

  function bar() {

  var api = {
    foo: function() {
      return "foo";

  /* test-code */
  api._bar = bar;
  /* end-test-code */

  return api;

Specifying different start and end comment values

The following configuration will strip out code that begins with the /* start-test-block */ comment and ends with the /* end-test-block */ comment, and code that begins with the <!-- start-html-test-code --> comment and ends with the <!-- end-html-test-code --> comment from all .js files in the dist/ folder.

  strip_code: {
    options: {
      blocks: [
          start_block: "/* start-test-block */",
          end_block: "/* end-test-block */"
          start_block: "<!-- start-html-test-code -->",
          end_block: "<!-- end-html-test-code -->"
    your_target: {
        src: 'dist/*.js'

Using your own patterns

The following configuration will remove log() statements from all .js files in the dist/ folder

  strip_code: {
    options: {
      patterns: /log\(\)/g
    your_target: {
        src: 'dist/*.js'

The patterns property can also take arrays of RegExp objects.

  strip_code: {
    options: {
      patterns: [/log\(\)/g, / *console\.log\([\w\S ]+\);?\n?/g]
    your_target: {
        src: 'dist/*.js'

Specifying source and destination.

The normal behavior is to strip out code in the source files and then save those files with the same name. If you need to save them to a different name, you can specify a dest option as well.

  strip_code: {
    options: { },
    your_target: {
      files: [
        {src: 'tmp/my-app.js', dest: 'dist/my-app.js'},
        {src: 'tmp/my-lib.js', dest: 'dist/my-lib.js'}

Specifying Multiple strip_code Tasks.

  strip_code: {
    strip_html_and_js_: {
      options: {
        blocks: [{
          start_block: "/* start-test-block */",
          end_block: "/* end-test-block */"
        }, {
          start_block: "<!-- start-html-test-code -->",
          end_block: "<!-- end-html-test-code -->"
      src: 'src/*.html'

    strip_php: {
      options: {
        blocks: [{
          start_block: "/* start-test-block */",
          end_block: "/* end-test-block */"
      src: ['src/file1.php', 'src/file2.php']
    strip_log_: {
      options: {
        patterns: /log\(\)/g
      files: [{
        src: 'src/src-test.js',
        dest: 'dest/src-test.js'
      }, {
        src: 'src/src-test2.js',
        dest: 'dest/src-test2.js'


Backward Compatibility with Version 0.1.2

Specifying different start and end comment values

The following configuration will strip out code that begins with the /* start-test-block */ comment and ends with the /* end-test-block */ comment from all .js files in the dist/ folder.

  strip_code: {
    options: {
      start_comment: 'start-test-block',
      end_comment: 'end-test-block',
    your_target: {
        src: 'dist/*.js'

Using your own pattern

Note: if legacy pattern is declared, it will supercede legacy start_comment and end_comment.

The following configuration will remove log() statements from all .js files in the dist/ folder

  strip_code: {
    options: {
      pattern: /log\(\)/g
    your_target: {
        src: 'dist/*.js'


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt.

Release History


  • Updated grunt and ejs dependencies.

1.0.10 - 1.0.11

  • Updated security dev dependencies.
  • Updated travis-ci badges
  • Updated Read Me


  • Fixed Coveralls dependency error for test coverage report
  • Updated Read Me


  • Write to disk only if the file contents were changed, or if the file destination is different from the source.
  • Updated Read Me


  • Upgraded to travis-ci.com
  • Log only number of changed files, you have to use grunt verbose (--verbose, -v) to get verbose logs.


  • Added Windows tests on AppVeyor.
  • Removed custom line endings.


Custom line endings contributed.


Added Coveralls.

1.0.1 - 1.0.3

Documentation changes.


  • Added options.blocks to take arrays of different start and end capture blocks.
  • Added flag for intersectionCheck.
  • Added flag for parityCheck.
  • Major updates to package.json.
  • Added Travis CI
  • Added backward compatibility.


  • Minor updates to package.json.


  • Fix a bug so it only overwrites a file is there was stripped code.


  • Initial Release