
Terraform plan for setting up Kubernetes and installing CloudBees CI for modern cloud platforms

Primary LanguageHCL


Terraform plan for CloudBees SDA for modern cloud platforms.

Includes roots for creating a Kubernetes cluster in EKS (other providers TBD) and configuration for installing CloudBees SDA.



The following tools should be installed and available in your PATH:

  • Required
    • terraform v1.0+
  • Recommended
    • aws CLI with configured profile(s)
    • kubectl at a version matching the target Kubernetes cluster


  1. Set up your local configuration
    1. Use .env to configure variables across all plans
      • Copy .env.example to .env
      • Edit .env and provide your desired values.
      • If needed, reload the configuration with source .env
    2. Use .auto.tfvars to configure each plan
      • Copy .auto.tfvars.example to .auto.tfvars in each Terraform root
      • Edit .auto.tfvars and provide your desired values.
  2. Set up the Terraform backend.
    • It is recommended to configure a remote Terraform backend for each of the root plans.
    • Each Terraform plan contains a backend.tf.example that you can copy to backend.tf (ignored by Git) and modify as needed.
    • Otherwise, Terraform will use the default local store.


The Makefile wraps Terraform with a default action of "plan". When you run the following make targets, you can set the value of ACTION to change this behavior.


  1. Prepare the EKS cluster.

    • Initialize the terraform plan.
      $ terraform init
    • (Optional) View the terraform plan. Without a provided ACTION, this will run terraform plan.
      $ terraform plan
    • Create the EKS cluster.
      $ terraform apply
  2. Install CloudBees SDA.

    • Initialize the terraform plan.
      $ terraform init
    • (Optional) View the terraform plan. Without a provided ACTION, this will run terraform plan.
      $ terraform plan
    • Create the EKS cluster.
      $ terraform apply