
Algorithmic Trading Bot Strategies for Freqtrade

Primary LanguagePython

Some custom code

  • chispei.py
    • ticker_interval = '4h'

run with: freqtrade backtesting -c config.json --strategy chispei --dry-run-wallet 600

(most probably with another config it will show other results)

Any help would be appreciated: 0x17dac3A5bD18084Ab38a84d214FB9B1622dc5217

Many many thanks! :)


Metric Value

Backtesting from 2021-04-01 16:00:00 Backtesting to 2021-05-03 08:00:00 Max open trades 20

Total trades 374
Starting balance 600.000 USDT
Final balance 1002.522 USDT
Absolute profit 402.522 USDT
Total profit % 67.09%
Trades per day 12.06
Avg. stake amount 50.000 USDT
Total trade volume 18700.000 USDT

Best Pair PSG/USDT 96.96%
Worst Pair ENJ/USDT -40.61%
Best trade CKB/USDT 15.59%
Worst trade DOGE/USDT -32.47%
Best day 42.950 USDT
Worst day -43.859 USDT
Days win/draw/lose 25 / 0 / 4
Avg. Duration Winners 12:14:00
Avg. Duration Loser 1 day, 19:21:00

Min balance 602.000 USDT
Max balance 1003.791 USDT
Drawdown 156.29%
Drawdown 78.223 USDT
Drawdown high 211.465 USDT
Drawdown low 133.242 USDT
Drawdown Start 2021-04-17 08:00:00 Drawdown End 2021-04-18 08:00:00 Market change 53.79%

  • EMASkipPump.py
    • Same as chispei, improved results. ;)

to be improved...