streamlink-go is a tool that converts website live streams into local live broadcast services for video players (eg. VLC or PotPlayer) directly access.
Platform | URL token |
Douyu | douyu |
Huya | huya |
Twitch | twitch |
Bilibili | bilibili |
Douyin | douyin |
Just download at releases page and decompressing it to anywhere you wanted.
Start the service listening on ip address and a random port by default. eg.
Start. the service listening on specified address or port. eg.
streamlink-go -l <address> -p <port>
streamlink-go --listen-address <address> --listen-port <port>
Start the service with debug mode. eg.
streamlink-go --debug
Start the service with http proxy. eg.
streamlink-go --proxy http://<username>:<password>@<address>:<port>
Open the stream on video player. eg.
http://<address>:<port>/<platform url token>/<room id>
Open the stream on video player with http proxy. eg.
http://<address>:<port>/<platform url token>/<room id>?proxy=http://<username>:<password>@<address>:<port>