This is a project to measure and model the intrinsic alignments of galaxies in both observations and simulations.
Specifically, this is my fork of Duncan's intrinsic_alignments package with fixes to some of the errors encountered while trying to run.
This project requires the following Python packages be installed:
- numpy
- scipy
- astropy
- The alignments_devel branch of Duncan's fork of halotools
- My fork of rotations
- watson_dist
I am currently working on simplifying the installation process for rotations.
Conda install is available for all except the specific version of halotools, rotations, and watson_dist. To install these from github using conda, do the following:
- conda install git
- conda install pip
- To install rotations:
- Activate your conda environment
- Run: pip install git+
- To install the proper fork of halotools:
- Make sure you have gcc version 5.3 or later. This is very important. The newest version will be the best option.
- Activate your conda environment
- Within your environment, run: pip install git+
- To install watson_dist there are several options:
- Run: pip install git+
- OR clone the repo and in the directory with and run: conda develop .
Alignment correlation functions are in development in Duncan's personal halotools fork in a dedicated branch. In addition to Duncan, this branch has contributions by:
- Patricia Larson
- Andrew Hearin
- Simon Samuroff
This propject uses the results of an independent repository, Illustris_Shapes, for simulated galaxy/halo shapes and orientation catalogs.
In addition to the Illustris DMO simulations, this project uses the dark matter only simualtions:
- Bolshoi Planck
These halo catalogs for these simulations are available through Halotools, described here.