
Reusable typesafe kubernetes configurations with fast development cycle and no yaml

Primary LanguageTypeScript

L9T ci


Reusable typesafe kubernetes configurations with fast development cycle and hot reloading, and zero yaml.


Because working with kubernetes configs and helm is painful:

  • YAML/JSON without proper valdiation is error prone.
  • Go templates are ugly and too limited.
  • Subcharts are pain to manage.


TypeScript + Deno + kubectl.


To use l9t you need to install deno.

Then you can create a configuration:

import l9t, {
} from "https://deno.land/x/l9t/l9t.ts";

// types for variables aren't required but useful for ides
const deployment = (
  { build }: { build: string },
): Deployment => ({
  apiVersion: "apps/v1",
  kind: "Deployment",
  metadata: {
    name: "hello-world",
  spec: {
    selector: {
      matchLabels: {
        app: "hello-world",
    replicas: build === "prod" ? 10 : 2,
    template: {
      metadata: {
        labels: {
          app: "hello-world",
      spec: {
        containers: [
            name: "hello-world",
            image: "nginx:latest",
            ports: [
                containerPort: 80,

const service = ({}): Service => ({
  apiVersion: "v1",
  kind: "Service",
  metadata: {
    name: "hello-world",
  spec: {
    selector: {
      app: "hello-world",
    ports: [
        protocol: "TCP",
        port: 80,
        targetPort: 80,
    type: "LoadBalancer",

const params = {
  build: Deno.env.get("BUILD") || "dev",

l9t([deployment(params), service(params)], import.meta);

Apply the configuration with:

deno run -A hello_world.ts apply

And check that it works with:

curl localhost:80

For interactive development you can use watch mode:

deno run hello_world.ts -A watch

As the configuration has Deno.env.get("BUILD") === "prod" ? 10 : 2, it's possible to make a prod configurationwith more replicas with:

BUILD=prod deno run -A hello_world.ts apply

If you just want to compile TypeScript configuration to YAML run:

deno run -A hello_world.ts compile



❓ Types for Kubernetes APIs.

✅ Hot reloading.

❓ Helm charts-like reusable configuration packages.



Generate types

To generate new version of the default types run:

kubectl proxy --port=8080
curl -k localhost:8080/openapi/v2 > spec.json
deno run --unstable --allow-read src/scripts/make_types.ts io.k8s KubernetesResources > src/types/k8s.ts
deno fmt

It's possible to generate types for your kuernetes extensions, like:

deno run --unstable --allow-read src/scripts/make_types.ts EXTENSION_NS MyExtensionResources > ext.ts

And use it like:

import l9t, { KubernetesResources } from "https://deno.land/x/l9t/l9t.ts";
import { MyExtensionResources } from "./ext.ts";


l9t<KubernetesResources | MyExtensionResources>([...], import.meta);


To run test execute:

deno test

License MIT