
NVDA add-on to know the caret position respect to the start of the current line.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

Cursor Locator

  • Authors: Noelia Ruiz Martínez, Sergio Gómez Codina.

This add-on makes possible to know the position of the system caret respect to the start of the current line, while typing to add text in documents or multiline controls.

This feature deppends on the visual appearance of applications. Therefore, you may need to disable line adjustment or configure the add-on for different programs.

Cursor Locator settings

This panel is available from NVDA's menu, Preferences submenu, Settings dialog.

It provides the following options:

  • Report line length: You can type or choose a line length (number of characters between 0 and 600), which will be announced by a hight tone when it's reached. (The default value is 80 characters).
  • Maximum number of beeps for start of line notification: You can type or select a value between 0 and 600. The default value is 0.
  • Maximum number of beeps for end of line notification: You can type or select a value between 0 and 600. The default value is 0.
  • Pitch of sound for start of line: You can type or select a value between 20 and 20000. (The default value is 400 hertzs).
  • Length of sound for start of line: You can type or select a value between 20 and 2000. (The default value is 50 milliseconds).
  • Test sound for start of line: Press this button to test the configured sound for start of line.
  • Pitch of sound for end of line: You can type or select a value between 20 and 20000. (The default value is 1000 hertzs).
  • Length of sound for end of line: You can type or select a value between 20 and 2000. (The default value is 50 milliseconds).
  • Test sound for end of line: Press this button to test the configured sound for end of line.


You can modify the gestures to the following commands trought the NVDA's menu, Preferences submenu, Input gestures dialog:

  • NVDA+control+shift+l: When possible, reports the lenght of the current line (System caret category).
  • Not assigned: Shows the Cursor Locator settings dialog (Config category).

Changes for 3.0

  • Compatible with NVDA 2023.1.

Changes for 2.0

  • Added ability to repeat notifications when reaching end and start of line.
  • Added support for Office documents, and Notepad on Windows 11.

Changes for 1.0

  • Initial version