
A bare bones draggable list directive for AngularJS

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

An AngularJS directive for draggable, sortable lists using the HTML5 drag and drop and touch APIs.

This directive has no dependencies other than AngularJS. The aim is to make this as backwards compatable as possible, whilst only using native APIs and raw Javascript/Angular. It is still under development, so use at your own risk.

Basic usage (no CSS)

Include the draggableList module as a dependency.

app = angular.module('DemoApp', ['draggableList']);

Pass the named scope to the draggable-list attribute, and set the element's draggable attribute to true.

  <li ng-repeat="item in array" draggable-list="array" draggable="true">{{ item }}</li>

IE9 support

I've made a shim for IE9 support, it partially pollyfills the HTML5 drag & drop API by creating and dispatching the draggable events, so watch out for other libraries that use this API or otherwise detect it as a feature.

<!--[if IE 9]>
  <script src="js/draggable-list-ie9-shim.js"></script>