
Angular 1.* Component based core application with express, JWT auth, Redux state management & a comprehensive build pipeline in Gulp.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


# Clone the git repo
git clone git@github.com:nverba/core.git

# Install the packages
npm install

# Generate the development build
gulp build --all

# Generate the production build
gulp build --production 

# Start the server, set environment variable to development to serve build folder
development=true node server.js

Live development

# Start live development with Browser Sync
gulp serve

Individual Gulp tasks

# Compiles css from scss
gulp build:css
# Builds index html with correct links to assets & injects immediate css for responsive loading
gulp build:index
# Builds external JavaScript libs
gulp build:libs
# Builds all internal client JavaScript, auto-detects further canges and builds with Watchify
gulp build:main
# Creates template cache
gulp build:templates
# Moves static assets such as images and json lang files to build or public folders
gulp build:static

# Watch css, index & templates for changes and build automatically. NOTE: Needs restart after adding new files
gulp watch:html
# Create fully compressed public build with hash signed urls
gulp build:all --production

TODO: Before production, change back port num & remove switch default for the process.env.development variable.