- 2
Support usage with ng-model.
#19 opened by ravshansbox - 2
A "pikaday-options" parameter for sending all options without using attributes
#12 opened by mortargrind - 0
- 1
How to set custom Date?
#22 opened by manar-mk - 1
Clear model data
#21 opened by pedalpete - 0
Conflict with other directives
#23 opened by manar-mk - 3
Upgrade Pikaday dependency to v1.4.0
#20 opened by NumEricR - 1
dynamic id for container
#18 opened by ronlanger - 1
require('pickaday-angular') leaves me with angular.module is not a function
#16 opened by hoetmaaiers - 1
- 4
Locale with moment
#10 opened by philippeluickx - 2
Sending off Pikaday object through REST
#11 opened by philippeluickx - 3
- 2
- 2
Error: [$compile:nonassign] Expression '' used with directive 'pikaday' is non-assignable!
#4 opened by goids - 1
#2 opened by jakebresnehan - 1
destroy pikaday on scope destruction
#1 opened by rhurling