
Courses I took to improve my technical knowledge and skills

📖 Courses I Took

This repository contains the list of courses I took to improve my technical skills and I want to recommend them to you.

📚 Table of Contents


  • CS50: Introduction to Computer Science from Harvard University

Web Development


Javascript/ Typescript


  • css-for-js: The interactive learning experience designed to help JavaScript developers become confident with CSS. Taught by Josh Comeau. Number one resource to learn CSS in my opinion.



  • AWS For Front-End Engineers, v2: Learn to build an enterprise-grade deployment infrastructure on AWS. Host your assets on S3 and use CloudFront as a CDN to distribute those assets worldwide in seconds. We’ll set up routing and certs using Amazon Certificate Manager (ACM) and add custom functionality with lambda@edge to our CloudFront distribution. Taught by Steve Kinney.


  • CS 253 Web Security: This course is a comprehensive overview of web security. The goal is to build an understanding of the most common web attacks and their countermeasures. Given the pervasive insecurity of the modern web landscape, there is a pressing need for programmers and system designers to improve their understanding of web security issues. Taught by Feross Aboukhadijeh.