
Switch from a Rails environment to another

Primary LanguageRuby

Rails Env Switcher

Rails Env Switcher allows your to switch from a rails environmemnt to another one.
Best served chilled with irb-config.

Why is it useful?

We want to run tests from the rails console.

Watch the screencast

Watch the screencast!


gem 'rails-env-switcher'

If you have Pry installed, you will have access to the env command:

pafy@bisou ~/prj/rails-prj [master●] % rails c
Loading development environment (Rails 3.2.8)
~/prj/crowdtap/rails-prj (development) > env test
~/prj/crowdtap/rails-prj (test) > Rails.env
=> "test"
~/prj/crowdtap/rails-prj (test) > exit
~/prj/crowdtap/rails-prj (development) > Rails.env
=> "development"


RailsEnvSwitcher.with_env 'test', :reload => true do
  # Do some stuff in the test environment
  # reload => true means that we want to reload!
  # Leaving the block returns in the original environment
  # with_env is nestable

# You can also switch permantently with
RailsEnvSwitcher.switch_env 'staging'


  • Middleware pattern
  • Testing


MIT License