- 24
bug: Fails to install (module java-core.utils.notify not found) on clean Neovim (Windows)
#249 opened by Ash-Olorenshaw - 9
- 11
bug: No delegateCommandHandler for
#293 opened by ShouryaRSharma - 1
feature: Opt out of using mason completely
#331 opened by a-usr - 1
feature: Toggle log for multi module project
#290 opened by chetra-seng - 6
bug: Cannot install JDTLS in fresh enviroment
#323 opened by aeropagz - 8
bug: Error when performing a line break
#277 opened by Esteban528 - 0
bug: Issue with Eclipse Test Runner
#327 opened by radon115 - 10
bug: no document symbols found
#297 opened by gipo355 - 3
bug: Error when Running JavaRunnerRunMain
#324 opened by pojokcodeid - 2
bug: Error appeared when first loaded on WSL
#325 opened by pojokcodeid - 3
- 0
- 0
#320 opened by ChillerDragon - 1
bug: No logs after failure run
#319 opened by PiotrKuzdowicz - 0
bug: JavaRunnerRunMain includes test with classpath
#318 opened by avk458 - 0
feature: java.action.organizeImports.chooseImports
#316 opened by Tylopilus - 1
feature: add java.action.overrideMethodsPrompt
#298 opened by TabulateJarl8 - 6
How can we jump to class in jars
#301 opened by zeekling - 2
- 6
- 0
bug: Getting "client not found: spring-boot" on popup and no suggestions found in
#306 opened by mkdirJava - 1
bug: Mason fails to get latest registry
#309 opened by manumoreno - 2
- 3
- 10
bug: jdtls causing a mason error as the version 1.37.0 isnt available in mason
#314 opened by BKR-dev - 5
bug: can't load workapce
#279 opened by micolore - 1
bug: I have this error when editing some java file
#303 opened by lepaincbon - 0
bug: JDTLS is being initialized but doesn't work
#302 opened by quizhorniw - 0
bug: documentation mismatch between README and Wiki
#289 opened by lackovic - 2
bug: spring-boot project not showing methods in lsp_document_symbols but will show annotations
#281 opened by zachcuy - 4
- 4
feature: Customize JDTLS keybinds
#250 opened by bijuli74 - 7
bug: JavaBuildWorkspace no longer works
#282 opened by chetra-seng - 2
feature: Set environment variables for DAP configuration
#280 opened by bnwa - 0
- 0
- 3
- 1
feature: add JavaRunnerRestartMain command
#239 opened by wr9dg17 - 1
Module not found: java-core.utils.notify
#258 opened by 50-Course - 2
bug: Multiple LSP clients found that support you should have at most one JDTLS server running
#253 opened by wiscaksono - 10
- 0
feature: Update workflows
#247 opened by s1n7ax - 0
bug: JavaProfile is not applied in the same session. Neovim has to be closed and reopened
#241 opened by s1n7ax - 2
- 0
feature: lspconfig has on_setup function to register instead of wraping setup function
#228 opened by s1n7ax - 2
- 18
bug: textDocument/hover is not supported
#212 opened by lpoto - 0
- 1