
A Neovim Telescope extension for searching the web!

Primary LanguageLua


A Neovim Telescope extension for searching the web!


Arecibo is a customizable plugin that can return web search results in your editor.

It ships with selectable 'engines' - which are simply TreeSitter queries that are performed againt the retrived HTML document.

The following engines are currently supported:

  • Google
  • DuckDuckGo
  • NPMjs

TODO: guide for creating new engines.



Arecibo requires the openssl and lua-http-parser lua rocks to be installed in order to retrieve HTTP results.

use {
  rocks = {"openssl", "lua-http-parser"}

Ensure that the TreeSitter HTML grammar is installed.

:TSInstall html

TODO: add manual rocks installation guide

Telescope Config

Loading the extension:


Extension options:

extensions = {
  arecibo = {
    ["selected_engine"]   = 'google',
    ["url_open_command"]  = 'xdg-open',
    ["show_http_headers"] = false,
    ["show_domain_icons"] = false,
  • NOTE: Previewer currently depends on elinks being installed and probably only works on linux.



<C-l> (in finder) resets search

Highlight groups:

  • Result Index : TelescopeAreciboNumber
  • Result URL : TelescopeAreciboUrl
  • Result Mode Prompt : TelescopePromptPrefix
  • Query Mode Prompt : TelescopeAreciboPrompt