Whatsapp Emoji Spammer

This is tiny python script which makes use of the amazing Selenium library. The script spams whatsapp of your friend (or whomever you give the name of) with emojis. The script uses the list of emojis from this file
Try not to spam any official group or person 😛.


1. Install python.

If you already have a python installation, skip this step. You can download python from here and add it to PATH.

2. Install selenium and webdriver-manager python modules

You can use the following commands. If you don't know what I mean, just execute the following command in cmd or terminal (depending on your OS).

pip install selenium
pip install webdriver-manager

3. Download the script

Download the source code using git or click the green button "Code" and then "download ZIP". Extract the contents into a new folder.


  1. Open cmd or terminal in the directory that contents of zip were extracted to and execute the following command.
python whatsapp_spammer.py
  1. The program will open whatsapp webpage in a Chrome window. Log into your whatsapp by scanning the QR code.
  2. The command line interface (cmd or terminal) will ask you the contact name. Enter the name of the contact whom you want to spam. The name may be incomplete but when you search the name in the whatsapp search window, the required contact should be the first on the list.
  3. Then enter the no of emojis you want to spam them. If you do not enter any value and press enter it will assume the default value of 15. Although the hard limit is 1084 emojis, I would recommend that you do not enter more than 80 (for the sake of inconvenience at the other end).