
A tag editor plugin for jQuery that supports complex and structured data. Based on jQuery-tagEditor by Pixabay.

Primary LanguageHTML

jQuery JSON Tag Editor

jQuery JSON Tag Editor is a fork of jQuery-tagEditor, originally developed by Simon Steinberger for Pixabay.com and licensed under the MIT license. This fork maintains the same license and adds the Apache License, 2.0.

jQuery JSON Tag Editor adds a separation between the visual representation of a tag and the tag itself. Tags are plain JavaScript objects with a value attribute that is its visual representation in the tag editor. value plus any other properties that the tag object may have are all stored as data attributes in each <div class="tag-editor-tag"> element.

So, using the addTag public method, this:

$('#id').jsonTagEditor('addTag', '{"value": "Car", "tagType": "string", "category": "vehicle"}')

Produces the markup below:

<div class="tag-editor-tag" data-value="Car" data-tag-type="string" data-category="vehicle">Car</div>

If a string is provided as an argument then an object with only the value property is created. This is the case when tags are manually typed into the editor.

Features added:

  • Tags are complex objects: what you see in the editor is the property value, but you can add arbitrary data to your tags
  • Tag object properties are stored as data attributes in their corresponding <div> element
  • A new option maxTagLength can ellipsify tags while keeping the original value in data-value
  • Multiple tags when pasting a multi-line text snippet, one per line, or split by tabs

Features removed:

  • Auto-grow width of <input> editors
  • Support for cut: the original feature was Window-specific but buggy as tags weren’t put in the clipboard
  • removeDuplicates: because tags aren’t strings it was the simplest way to deal with this issue
  • The delimiter is hard-coded to \t and \n

Visit the demo page for the full documentation.

What follows are the original contents of jQuery-tagEditor’s README.md file:


A powerful and lightweight tag editor plugin for jQuery based on jQuery-tagEditor by Pixabay

Compatible with jQuery 1.7.0+ in Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Opera, Internet Explorer 8+. IE7 technically works, but no care has gone into CSS/layout bugs. Released under the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php

This plugin was developed by and for Pixabay.com - an international repository for sharing free public domain images. We have implemented this plugin in production and we share this piece of software - in the spirit of Pixabay - freely with others.

Demo and Documentation



  • Lightweight: 8.5 kB of JavaScript - less than 3.2 kB gzipped
  • Edit in place tags
  • Intuitive navigation between tags with cursor keys, Tab, Shift+Tab, Enter, Pos1, End, Backspace, Del, and ESC
  • Optional jQuery UI sortable
  • Optional jQuery UI autocomplete
  • Copy-paste or delete multiple selected tags
  • Duplicate tags check
  • Custom delimiter/s
  • Placeholder
  • Custom style for faulty tags
  • Public methods for reading, adding and removing tags + destroy function
  • Callbacks
  • Allows tabindex for form navigation
  • Graceful degradation if JavaScript is disabled


Version 1.0.20 - 2016/01/30

  • Fixed #62: tagEditor is blocking key events on other input and textarea elements on page.

Version 1.0.19 - 2015/12/02

  • Fixed #60: Tag editor fails to handle HTML operator chars.

Version 1.0.18 - 2015/08/12

  • Pull #43: Escape HTML special characters on input.

Version 1.0.17 - 2015/07/14

  • Allow beforeTagSave() to return false for discarding certain tag values.

Version 1.0.16 - 2015/07/01

  • Fix #5, #35, #37, #38: "TypeError: owner is null" backspace browser history issue.

Version 1.0.15 - 2015/05/24

  • Fix #31, #33, #34: Added maxTags, removeDuplicates, and animateDelete options.

Version 1.0.14 - 2015/04/05

  • Fix #24: Auto-close tag after selecting autocomplete suggestion by mouse click.

Version 1.0.13 - 2015/01/26

  • Fix #9: Added bower support.

Version 1.0.12 - 2015/01/16

  • Fix #17: Make use of tabindex for form navigation.

Version 1.0.11 - 2015/01/08

  • Use beforeTagSave return value for overwriting new tags.

Version 1.0.10 - 2015/01/04

  • Fix for IE8

Version 1.0.9 - 2014/12/17

  • Optimized internal input autogrow function.

Version 1.0.8 - 2014/12/14

  • Added bower.json file.

Version 1.0.7 - 2014/11/26

Version 1.0.6 - 2014/10/22

  • Fixed: Detection for selected field (.tag-editor) on backspace/delete keypress failed in some cases.

Version 1.0.5 - 2014/09/30

Version 1.0.4 - 2014/09/24

Version 1.0.3 - 2014/09/13

  • Removed unnecessary vendor prefixes in CSS stylesheet.

Version 1.0.2 - 2014/07/16

  • Fixed removal of placeholder after calling addTags.

Version 1.0.1 - 2014/07/16

  • Fixed tagEditor for IE8 and IE7. IE7 still has some obvious layout alignment bugs, that can be fixed by conditional CSS rules.

Version 1.0.0-beta - 2014/07/15

  • First release