
Repository for CMIP6 Arctic Tern code and analyses

Primary LanguagePython

Global Warming and Arctic Terns: Predicting Climate Change Impacts on the World's Longest Migrant

This is the github repository for scripts required to reproduce figures and analyses in Morten et al. (202X) Global Warming and Arctic Terns: Predicting Climate Change Impacts on the World's Longest Migrant.

Repository structure:

├─ NPP/
│  ├─ data/
│  │  ├─ Collated migration data.csv |
│  │  ├─ README.txt                  |
│  │  └─ bird_heatmap.nc             |
│  ├─ figures/
│  │  ├─ fig1_terndensity.png        |
│  │  ├─ fig2_polarproductivity.png  |
│  │  ├─ fig3-signaltonoise.png      |
│  │  └─ suppfig_signaltonoise.png   |
│  └─ scripts/
│     ├─ fig1_terndensity.py         |
│     ├─ fig2_polarproductivity.py   |
│     ├─ fig3_signaltonoise.py       |
│     └─ get_npp_data.sh             |
├─ seaice/
│  ├─ DATA/
│  │  ├─ Collated migration data.csv | Arctic Tern tracking data
│  │  ├─ ETOPO_siconc_SImon_UKESM1-  | Historical sea ice concentration
│  │  │	 0-LL_historical_r1i1p1f2_
│  │  │	 198201-201411_SH.nc	    
│  │  ├─ ETOPO_siconc_SImon_UKESM1-  | SSP5-8.5 sea ice concentration
│  │  │	 0-LL_ssp585_r1i1p1f2_
│  │  │	 201501-202101_SH.nc	   
│  │  └─ icec.mnmean.nc              | Observed sea ice concentration
│  ├─ FIGURES/
│  │  ├─ fig_7.pdf                   | Figure 7
│  │  ├─ sup_fig_5.pdf               | Supp. Figure 5
│  │  ├─ sup_fig_6.pdf               | Supp. Figure 6
│  │  ├─ sup_fig_7.pdf               | Supp. Figure 7
│  │  └─ sup_fig_8.pdf               | Supp. Figure 8
│  └─ SCRIPTS/
│     ├─ observed_sie_winter.py	     | Generates Supplementary Figure 7
│     ├─ observed_vs_modelled_sie.py | Generates Supplementary Figure 6
│     ├─ productivity_change.py      | Generates Figure 7
│     ├─ scatter_trends_prod.py	     | Generates Supplmenetary Figure 8
│     └─ terns_at_iceedge.py	     | Generates Supplementary Figure 5
├─ ternsim/                      
│  ├─ PREPROCESSING.sh               | Shell script used to preprocess raw CMIP6 output for particle tracking
│  ├─ TernSim.py                     | Simulates vTern trajectories from preprocessed CMIP6 surface velocity data
│  ├─ flight_path.py 	             | Generates Figure 4
│  ├─ flight_time.py 	             | Generates Supplementary Figure 3
│  ├─ path_comp.py                   | Generates Supplementary Figure 2
│  ├─ ternmethods.py                 | Methods for TernSim.py   
│  ├─ FIGURES/
│  │  ├─ vTern_path_future.pdf       | Figure 4
│  │  ├─ vTern_path_validation.pdf   | Supp. Figure 2
│  │  └─ vTern_time_future.pdf       | Supp. Figure 3
│  └─ resources/
│     └─ gridsource.txt              | Regridding file used by PREPROCESSING.sh
└─ winds/
   ├─ DATA/
   │  ├─ bird_heatmap.nc             | Heatmap of Tern locations
   │  ├─ ens_uas_hist.nc             | Historical zonal winds
   │  ├─ ens_uas_s245.nc             | SSP2-4.5 zonal winds
   │  ├─ ens_uas_s585.nc             | SSP5-8.5 zonal winds
   │  ├─ ens_vas_hist.nc             | Historical meridional winds
   │  ├─ ens_vas_s245.nc             | SSP2-4.5 meridional winds
   │  └─ ens_vas_s585.nc             | SSP5-8.5 meridional winds
   ├─ FIGURES/
   │  ├─ ens_wind_zonal_nh.pdf       | Figure 3 (left panel)
   │  └─ ens_wind_zonal_sh.pdf       | Figure 3 (right panel)
   └─ zonal_winds.py                 | Generates Figure 3