
Jungle countdown timers for League Of Legends

Primary LanguageCSS


LoL Timers is a tool to calculate respawn time in jungle for the Game League of Legends


  • Timers for jungle monsters
  • Timers for inhibitors
  • Timers for green/pink wards

The website

Please visit http://www.lol-timers.com


  1. Clone the in a webserver
  2. Run npm install command
  3. Add proxy config to your http conf (from :8080 to /nodeserver)
  4. Run node app.js command


1.5 (2014-02-02)

  • 3v3 map support

1.4 (2013-09-11)

  • Map Synchronization
  • Create private room and share the URL
  • QRCode generation for easy smartphone access
  • Buff timers (when monster timer is started, icon changes for buff duration)

1.3 (2013-09-08)

  • Timers duration updated according to new Jungle
  • Sounds when a timers ends up (wards and monsters sounds are different)
  • Ability to mute/unmute sounds
  • Ability to use blue (explorer) wards (click on a pink ward)

1.2 (2013-03-17)

  • Add comments modal
  • jQuery and countdown libs updated

1.1 (2012-06-05)

  • Ability to use pink wards (click on a green ward)
  • Ability to remove wards (click on a pink ward or rightclick)
  • Ability to reset monster countdown (rightclick)

1.0 (2012-04-08)

  • Initial release

NPM version