Supplementary material from A Survey of Advanced Computer Vision Techniques for Sports

If you want the videos to work with, please contact me directly. This repository is not able to host them.

  • 00X notebooks -> video preprocessing

  • 01X notebooks -> data extraction with computer vision models

  • 02X notebooks -> prediction pipeline

  • 08X & 09X notebooks -> extras

  • data

    • tab -> contains tabular data
      • joined -> data resulting from joining the two models results
      • json -> data from the CenterNet object detection framework
      • npz -> data from the ROMP 3d pose estimation
    • video (WARNING: if you do not use this directory structure, you'll have to change the scripts to correct the directories)
      • crop -> videos cropped with notebook 003
      • cut -> videos cut with notebook 002
      • raw -> input videos