This code provides a simple, pedagogical implementation of the finite element method for solving parabolic partial differential equations (PDEs) in one dimension.
This code is designed to illustrate a collection of fundamental methods/techniques for solving PDEs using the finite element method. It is recommended that a more high-performance computing platform such as FEniCS is used for real applications of the finite element method. Setting up and solving partial differential equations in FEniCS is extremely straight-forward and much more numerically stable than the more pedagogical code provided in this repository.
The finite element space basis functions which are implemented in this code are:
- linear basis functionsquadratic_basis
- quadratic basis functions
The desired set of basis functions can be specified by setting the basis
variable in the
There are also two choices of solver methods available:
- Solve using a Cholesky factorization and triangular inversionConjugate Gradient
- Solve using the conjugate gradient method
which can specified by the solve_method
Moreover, there are two time-stepping schemes:
Backward Euler
- The implicit backward Euler schemeCrank-Nicolson
- The Crank-Nicolson / Theta=0.5 scheme
which can be specified by the time_stepping
The code can be run by simply issuing the command:
user@host $ python
Finite Element Space: |
- Spatial Domain = [0.00, 1.00]
- Time Interval = [0.00, 0.15]
- FEM Basis = Linear Basis Functions
- Time Stepping = Crank-Nicolson
- Solve Method = Conjugate Gradient
- Problem Dimension = 99
FEM Solver Progress: |
[ Forming Stiffness Matrix ]
[ Forming Mass Matrix ]
[ Computing Preconditioner ]
[ Solving Linear System ] (Step 101 of 101)
Solve Time: 44.92097 seconds
[ Saving Animation ]
This code will also generate and save an animation for the computed solution: