
This docker environment is build as a wrapper for the sulu/sulu-minimal and will allow isolated development.

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This docker environment is build as a wrapper for the sulu/sulu-minimal and will allow isolated development.



  • Nginx
  • Mysql
  • PHP-FPM (with synced application code)
  • Elasticsearch
  • Kibana
  • Logstash


  • Autoconfiguration of environment (Nginx, MySQL and PHP-FPM)
  • Synchronization of application code to improve performance
  • TMP-Volume for symfony cache
  • ELK stack for log processing (nginx logs and symfony logs)

Missing features

  • XDebug
  • Blackfire


  • app.dev:10080: Sulu-Website
  • app.dev:10080/admin: Sulu-Admin
  • app.dev:19200: Elasticsearch
  • app.dev:15601: Kibana
  • app.dev:19600: Logstash


git clone https://github.com/wachterjohannes/sulu-docker
cd sulu-docker
composer create-project "sulu/sulu-minimal" app
docker-sync-stack start

Initialize Sulu

docker-compose exec php bash
bin/adminconsole sulu:build dev --destroy

Folder Structure

  • app: contains application files
  • config: configuration for docker containers
  • var/data: folder for application related data
  • var/logs: log files of different services
  • var/tmp: temporary files of application

Developer Experience problems

  • rm -rf var/cache/* only inside container?
  • Sometimes you have to hard clear the cache (maybe permissions?)
  • Development outside of container?
    • PHP and composer are required then also