
NES emulator for the NumWorks calculator

Primary LanguageC



This app is a NES emulator that runs on the NumWorks calculator.

Install the app

To install this app, you'll need to:

  1. Download the latest nofrendo.nwa file from the Releases page
  2. Extract a cartridge.nes ROM dump from your NES cartridge, or, alternatively, use the provided src/2048.nes file.
  3. Head to my.numworks.com/apps to send the nwa file on your calculator along the nes file.

How to use the app

The controls are pretty obvious because the NES gamepad looks a lot like the NumWorks' keyboard:

NES controls NumWorks
Arrow Arrows
B Back
Select Shift
Start Backspace

Build the app

To build this sample app, you will need to install the embedded ARM toolchain and nwlink.

brew install numworks/tap/arm-none-eabi-gcc node # Or equivalent on your OS
npm install -g nwlink
make clean && make build