Get collecting with My Pretty Unicorn Collector!


Let's create our very own unicorn app, where we can see a list of unicorns, add new unicorns to our list, and go to individual unicorn show pages.

Part 1

Right now, we can't see any of the unicorns from our server on the page. Let's change that with a fetch request.

  • Create a UnicornIndexContainer that will house the list of unicorns we wish to show.
  • Add a fetch in componentDidMount of the UnicornIndexContainer, so that we can load up unicorns from our server!
  • After receiving the unicorns in the .then of our fetch, ensure that they display on the page correctly within UnicornTile components. UnicornTile components should only show the names of unicorns.

Part 2

Now I want to add new unicorns to our collection, because you can never have enough. Let's make a form component with a POST fetch.

  • Create a UnicornFormContainer. Add basic form elements to this stateful container, perhaps even with custom field components!
  • Hook up your field components so that they are controlled components, relying on the state of the UnicornFormContainer

Uh oh, we have to somehow pass our newly created unicorn to our UnicornIndexContainer. Hmmmm, we'll need a new, higher order component above the UnicornIndexContainer and UnicornFormContainer to house our unicorn state. We can then pass this state to UnicornIndexContainer, and then add to it via the UnicornFormContainer.

  • Move the state of the unicorns list from UnicornIndexContainer to UnicornsPageContainer
  • Make an onSubmit method that will log the fields to the screen.
  • Be able to submit the form, passing data to the new UnicornPageContainter so that we can display our unicorns on the page!
  • Add a 'POST' fetch, so that newly created unicorns are persisted on our backend. The new array of unicorns should rely on the return of the fetch request, not from the form payload!
  • Pass our unicorns to the UnicornIndexContainer

Part 3

I wish to see ONLY one unicorn on a page, where I can see all of the little details about a unicorn. We'll need a show page and react router to help us make our dreams come true.

  • Define routes in App.js such that router renders our app. Going to "/" or "/unicorns" should render the UnicornPageContainter as usual.
  • Define a route for the /unicorns/:id, such that a new component, UnicornShowContainer is rendered on the screen
  • The UnicornShowContainer should display the name and description of our respective unicorn. Note: You'll likely need to make another fetch request on componentDidMount to retrieve this information.
  • Be sure to add a Link component, so that each li in our unicorns list is actually a link to the unicorn's show page.