
Cross platform conversion of thermo raw files to parquet file format using pythonnet

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Cross platform conversion of Thermo raw files to the parquet file format using pythonnet

Uses Thermo RawFileReader .NET Assemblies (NetStandard20 .dlls) found in https://github.com/thermofisherlsms/RawFileReader to convert Thermo '.raw' files to Apache '.parquet files'. Features parallel processing. Given a directory containing Thermo *.raw files, converts each to a .arrow or .parquet format in a specified output folder. Multi-threading is supported to convert many files in parallel. Typical conversion times are 1-2 minutes per *.raw file on a single thread. Currently configured for conversion on Mac and linux. Need to run pip install pythonnet and have Mono runtime.

The output files have the following fields with one entry per scan in the *.raw file.

Name Type Description
fileName String Name of the original *.raw file with the suffix
removed and the .arrow suffix added
basePeakMass Float32 Mass of the most intense peak in the spectrum
scanType String FTMS or ITMS
basePeakIntensity Float32 Intensity of the most intense peak in the spectrum
packetType Int32
scanNumber Int32 Scan index of i'th scan in the .*raw file in order of occurence
retentionTime Float32 Retention time recorded for the scan
masses LargeList{Float32} List of masses for peaks in the centroided
spectra in ascending order
intensities LargeList{Float32} List of intensities for peaks in the centroiede
spectra. Corresponds with the peaks in masses
lowMass Float32 First mass in the scan
highMass Float32 Last mass in the scan
TIC Float32 Summed intensity of all peaks in the scan
FileID String Index of the *.raw file in order of processing
precursorMZ Float32 Precursor MZ or the center of the isolation window for an MSN scan
If no precursor was assigned. Missing for an MS1 scan.
precursorCharge Int32 Precursor charge
msOrder Int32 As in MS1, MS2, or MSN scan. Is "2" for an MS2 scan.
scanHeader MapArray{(utf8,utf8)} Map Array of key-values of each scan header field for each scan.


Convert *.raw files using command line options

  1. -d flag sets directory to search for Thermo RawFileReader dll's
  2. -n flag specifies the number of threads to use
  3. -sf list of terms to search for in each scan header/filter. Scans that contain these words are ommited
  4. -o path to folder where the converted files will be saved
  5. -sh optional flag specified whether to parse scanHeader for each scan. Default is False, or use --no-scan-header.
Install Dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 raw_to_parquet.py ../raw -d ./libs -n 12 -sf ITMS kazoo -o ./parquet_out
python .\raw_to_parquet.py ..\raw -d .\libs\ -n 12 -sf ITMS -o .\parquet_out

Note: For windows, downloading the repository as a .zip file will cause execution of the .dll files to be blocked. Instead, clone the repository as follows

git clone https://github.com/nwamsley1/ThermoRawFileToParquetConverter.git

This command converts all raw files in the "../raw" folder to a .arrow format, but excludes scans with "ITMS" or "kazoo" in the scan filter. An example scan filter is: "ITMS + p NSI t Full ms [300.0000-1100.0000]". The new files are saved into the "./parquet_out" folder. In the current directory, an "args.json" file is also generated.

import json
json_args_f = open('args.json')
json_args = json.load(json_args_f)
{'raw_dir': '../raw',
 'thermo_dlls': '../libs',
 'scan_filter_regex_list': ['ITMS', 'kazoo'],
 'num_workers': 12,
 'parquet_out': './parquet_out',
 'scan_header_used': true}

Convert *.raw files using .json arguments

In the previous example running the raw file converter using command line options generated a "args.json" file specifying the options. Rather than supplying options through flags in the command line, a simple .json file can be specified as follows

python3 raw_to_parquet.py args.json

Notes/Future Work

At present there are at least two major limitations

  1. Will not centroid profile scans. Reading, converting, and writing, profile mode scans (ITMS scans) is slow and not efficient in terms of memory or disk space. It is recommended to only apply this tool to .raw files where the data are centroided.

  2. Does not put info about pressure traces into the .parquet file. Only retrieves and writes information from the first 'MS' device. This functionality is enabled by the Thermo RawFileReader but may not be possible to implement via pythonnet.

  3. Currently files are converted to ".arrow". It is possible to convert to .csv or .parquet as well. See below. The desired output format should be specifiable as a command line argument in a future version.

Parquet format

                     where = f_out, #File name out
                      compression = 'SNAPPY' 

Arrow Format

        from pyarrow import fs
        local = fs.LocalFileSystem()
        with local.open_output_stream(f_out) as file:
            with pa.RecordBatchFileWriter(file, self.__PaTable__.schema) as writer:
  1. Needs to be tested on Windows. The only errors at present should have to do with file path compatability. Should be possible to fix this without too much trouble.
  2. Test on Linux (CentOS). It seems like there is problem with multithreading with mono runtime as of now Sept 2023. See mono/mono#18356. So need to explicitly state spawn when parallelizing.