VD Key Value Store API Description

A simple key-value store with a HTTP API interface that is able to:

  1. Accept a key(string) and value(some json blob/string) {"key" : "value"} and store them. If an existing key is sent, the value should be updated
  2. Accept a key and return the corresponding latest value
  3. When given a key AND a timestamp, return whatever the value of the key at the time was.

Base URL: https://vd-key-value-store.herokuapp.com/vd-store

DESCRIPTION: Add given key/value pair to the store
POST /new  
Sample Request Body:
    "key": "myvalue"
Sample Response:
  "key": "key",
  "value": "myvalue",
  "timestamp": 1623484371
DESCRIPTION: Get the latest value associated to the given key
GET /:key
  "value": "myvalue",
DESCRIPTION: Get the value associated with the given :key and :timestamp. The value returned is based on the time nearest to the given :timestamp
GET /:key/:timestamp
  "value": "myvalue",

Tech Stack

  • Express server bootstrapped with express generator
  • Mongoose ORM (MongoDB Atlas)


Here is a snapshot of the MongoDB structure containing the latest key/value pair along with a history of modifications.

image info

Considerations for Improvement

  • Use Swagger API for internal API documentation
  • Code minification
  • Add tests
  • Consider using ESLint especially if multiple people working on the codebase
  • Consier caching mechanism to avoid hitting DB for every request
  • Defining route authentication/authorization policies
  • Curently deployed on Heroku's free tier, however, this may not be favorable due to tier limitations/scalability. We may consider to choose a serverless deployment since we would pay only for what is used.
  • For security, can consider using a package like helmet