
Some goodies for use in Sway and i3 wm

Primary LanguagePython


This repository is my collection of scripts useful in the Sway and i3 environment. Some of them I find mature / useful enough to share, and those are Dynamic workspace names and Auto-tiling. If it comes to the rest - please read descriptions inside. All the code was written in python3.

This script uses the python i3ipc module to dynamically rename workspaces after the currently active window name. The name is prepended with either tiling mode (horizontal / vertical) or floating indicator.

Script in action

It may be a good idea to run the script with exec_always and the wsdnames.sh launcher.

i3ipc-python module

The script depends on the python i3ipc module in version >= 2.0.1. You need to install the package proper for your Linux distribution. In case you installed the library in other way, keep in mind that it also needs the xlib module (python-xlib) to work.

Sway / i3 config file:

Pay attention to the fact, that your workspaces need to be numbered, not named for the script to work.


bindsym $mod+1 workspace number 1

instead of

bindsym $mod+1 workspace 1

in your ~/.config/sway/config or ~/.config/i3/config file. See example configs.

Vertical / horizontal auto-tiling

This script has been moved to its own repository: https://github.com/nwg-piotr/autotiling, and will no longer be updated here.