
Goal: Reduce Weight to 69 kg & Avoid 'E' Rating in Health Check

  1. Develop a Healthy Diet Plan:

    • Research and create a balanced and nutritious weekly meal plan.
    • Limit intake of high-calorie foods and increase consumption of fruits and vegetables.
  2. Regular Exercise Routine:

    • Schedule at least 5 days a week, 1 hour of exercise (jogging, cycling, swimming).
    • Engage in sports, strength training, or martial arts 4 times a week.
  3. Regular Health Check-ups:

    • Schedule monthly weigh-ins and body measurements to track progress.

Goal: Write Code Every Day

  1. Daily Coding Habit:

    • Allocate a specific time each day for coding (e.g., 1 hour after dinner).
    • Set up a dedicated coding workspace to minimize distractions.
  2. Project Development:

    • Work on personal or open-source projects to apply coding skills.
    • Regularly share code on platforms like GitHub for feedback and improvement.

Goal: Write a Book Review Every Month

  1. Reading Schedule:

    • Select a book at the beginning of each month.
    • Allocate specific times for reading (1 hour after waking up and 1 hour before bedtime).
  2. Review Writing:

    • Take notes while reading to remember key points and thoughts.
    • Dedicate time at the end of the month to write and edit the review.

Goal: Read Book Two Hours Every Day

  1. Daily Reading Habit:

    • Schedule two 1-hour reading sessions each day.
    • Create a comfortable reading environment.
  2. Book Selection:

    • Choose books in advance to avoid decision fatigue.
    • Mix genres to maintain interest and variety.

Not To Do List

  1. Limit Manga Reading:

    • Only read manga on the 1st of every month.
    • Find alternative activities for leisure, like listening to podcasts or music.
  2. Focus on Golang or Rust:

    • Refrain from starting new projects in languages other than Golang or Rust.
    • Utilize time to deepen knowledge and skills in Golang or Rust.