
Piping Server with JWT authentication such as Auth0

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Piping Server with JWT authentication such as Auth0

The demo below uses Auth0.
Piping Server with Auth0


Here are examples to run server.

cd <this repo>
npm ci
npm start -- --jwks-uri https://nwtgck.us.auth0.com/.well-known/jwks.json --jwt-issuer=https://nwtgck.us.auth0.com/ --http-port=8080


docker run -p 8080:8080 nwtgck/jwt-piping-server --jwks-uri https://nwtgck.us.auth0.com/.well-known/jwks.json --jwt-issuer=https://nwtgck.us.auth0.com/ --http-port=8080

Here is how to run simple web client.

# Static hosting
(cd simple-frontend/ && npx http-server -p 3000)

Open http://localhost:3000/ on your Web browser.

Change to your Auth0 setting

You can set your Auth0 domain and client_id in simple-frontend/index.html.

auth0Promise = createAuth0Client({
  domain: "ooo.auth0.com",
  client_id: "............",
  cacheLocation: 'localstorage',

Server help

  --help          Show help                                            [boolean]
  --version       Show version number                                  [boolean]
  --http-port     Port of HTTP server                            [default: 8080]
  --jwks-uri      JWKs URI (e.g.
                                                             [string] [required]
  --jwt-issuer    JWT issuer (e.g. https://example.us.auth0.com/)       [string]
  --jwt-audience  JWT audience                                          [string]