
Programmatically open a native "Folder select" dialog

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status

Programmatically open a native "Folder select" dialog in NW.js.

Similar to <input type="file" nwdirectory> but with just JavaScript.

Windows Screenshot from NW.js 0.12.3 Windows Screenshot from NW.js 0.40.0 Ubuntu Screenshot from NW.js 0.40.0

Compatible with all versions of NW.js.

Version Tested
v0.12.3 ✔️
v0.14.7 ✔️
v0.40.0 ✔️
v0.83.0 ✔️

Works on all platforms NW.js runs on (Windows, Linux, OSX).


npm install --save nw-programmatic-folder-select

Basic Usage

const openFolderExplorer = require('nw-programmatic-folder-select');
// The window object, to have access to the browser context, and a callback function with the user's choice
openFolderExplorer(window, (selection) => { console.log(selection); });

Advanced Usage

const openFolderExplorer = require('nw-programmatic-folder-select');

const options = {
  // Optional string. The working directory to start in
  directory: 'C:\\',
  // Optional string. A custom title for the OS's folder selection dialog
  title: 'Select a folder to store the settings file in'

// Optional asynchronous callback function.
// Returns a string to the path, like 'C:\Users\Bob\Desktop', or undefined if no selection made
function callback (selection) {
  if (selection) {
    console.log('The user chose ' + selection);
  } else {
    console.log('The user cancelled the dialog.');

// Window is required to have access to the browser context
// All other arguments are optional
openFolderExplorer(window, options, callback);