
Truncated lognormal distribution imputation (Herbers et al. 2021)

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lnormimp R package

This is an R implementation of the algorithm for univariate imputation of censored lognormal distributions described in Herbers et al. (2021).

This package is very light and depends on the packages fitdistrplus for fitting censored lognormal distributions and EnvStats to perform random draws from an interval of a lognormal distribution.

The entire source code can be found in this file.


As this package is very small, we decided to keep it on GitHub and not submit it to CRAN.

It can be installed directly with the remotes package:

install.packages("remotes") # In case it is not already installed

Quick usage guide

If you want to use this package to impute lognormal distributed censored values, call the function,


data_imputed <- lnormimp(
  censn = c(n_below, n_above),
  cutoff = c(lower_cutoff, upper_cutoff)

where data_censored is a numeric vector of known measurement values, n_below and n_above are the number of missing values below the lower cutoff and above the upper cutoff respectively (either of them can be set to zero to indicate no missing values) and lower_cutoff and upper_cutoff the cutoff limits.

If a plausible measurement range is known for the data, it can be specified with the optional range parameter to obtain even more realistic results. The measurement range is set by default to 0-Infinity.

Example usage

This section is a short usage guide in which sample data is created, truncated and imputed to further illustrate the usage of this package.

Let's start by including the library and setting a fixed seed so the results can be replicated:


Now we will create our test dataset by drawing some values from a lognormal distribution:

data <- rlnorm(400, meanlog = 2, sdlog = 1)

Let's visualize our distribution with a probability density curve

plot(density(data), col = "blue", lty = "dashed", main = "Probability-density")

Now to censor the data we define lower and upper cutoffs

lower_cutoff <- 1
upper_cutoff <- 15

Which will be visualized by drawing vertical lines on our density curve

abline(v = lower_cutoff, col = "darkgray")
abline(v = upper_cutoff, col = "darkgray")

Then the cutoff values will be used to create a censored version our original dataset with a known number of missing values below the lower and above the upper cutoff:

below_lower <- data < lower_cutoff
above_upper <- data > upper_cutoff

n_below <- sum(below_lower)
n_above <- sum(above_upper)

data_censored <- data[!(below_lower | above_upper)]

Let's have a quick look at how much data got censored:

data.frame(n = length(data),
           n_below = n_below,
           n_above = n_above,
           n_censored = length(data_censored))
    n n_below n_above n_censored
1 400      10      88        302

From our original 400 values 98 got censored.

Now we can visualize the censored distribution:

lines(density(data_censored), col = "red", lty = "dotted")

The censored distribution (dotted red) looks quite a bit different than the original distribution (dashed blue).

Now we reconstruct the original data from the censored by imputation:

data_imputed <- lnormimp(
  censn = c(n_below, n_above),
  cutoff = c(lower_cutoff, upper_cutoff)

Note that if a plausible measurement range is known for real data, it can be specified with the optional range parameter to obtain even more realistic results. The measurement range is set by default to 0-Infinity.

Let's visualize the results one last time:

lines(density(data_imputed), col = "darkgreen")

Visually inspecting the data, the imputed distribution (straight green) resembles the original data (dashed blue) much closer than the censored distribution (dotted red).

The paper compares biases of different properties of the distributions (mean, median, standard deviation) and the methods robustness. Let's replicate one of the papers calculations and calculate the Kolmogorov-Smirnov distance of the censored and imputed distribution in respect to the original data.

> ks.test(data, data_censored)$statistic

> ks.test(data, data_imputed)$statistic

The full source code of this example can be found here.