
Start making tweets from your bash, zsh, whatever!

Primary LanguageJavaScript



Small tool that allows to tweet from bash, zhs, whatever..


How to use it

Install module globally:

npm install -g node-tweet-cli

You will be able to use tweet command in your shell.

Start with authorizing your twitter account and start tweeting :)

Commands to use

There are description of available commands here:

tweet login

The tweet login command manages authorization flow. It redirects you to http://twitter.com/oauth/authorize?oauth_token=.. where you need to login and get a PIN. Enter PIN in the terminal prompt and "voilĂ !" - you are able to tweet from your terminal.

tweet login

tweet logout

The tweet logout command unauthorizes your twitter account from node-tweet-cli.

tweet logout

tweet create (or tweet new)

The tweet create command allows you to post tweets into your twitter account. You will be prompted to type a message.

tweet create

or alias:

tweet new

tweet whoami

The tweet whoami command shows current twitter account name.

tweet whoami

To do

  • tweeting with images


If you have suggestions or found a bug please create an issue here. Thanks!

(c) 2013 MIT License