
A command-line tool for getting data in and out of Rabbit MQ.

Primary LanguageClojureMIT LicenseMIT

Publish messages to an RMQ exchange. Input can be stdin or another RMQ queue.


This project is built with leiningen (http://leiningen.org/). Once you have the source code, run "lein uberjar" from the command line to build the jar file, which will be in the "target" directory.


This will write {"x": "y"} to the exchange andy-test, and then exit:

echo 'x,y' | java -jar rmq-producer-standalone.jar \
  --host rmq-host \
  --exchange rmq-test \
  --username rmquser \
  --password s3cur3 \
  --message-template '{"%s": "%s"}' \
  --field-separator ','

This will also write {"x": "y"} to the exchange andy-test, and then exit:

echo '{"x": "y"}' | java -jar rmq-producer-standalone.jar \
  --host rmq-host \
  --exchange rmq-test \
  --username rmquser \
  --password s3cur3

This will read from the andy-test-src queue and write to the andy-test exchange.

java -jar rmq-producer-standalone.jar \
  --host rmq-host \
  --source-queue rmq-queue \
  --exchange rmq-test \
  --username rmquser \
  --password s3cur3

To see a list of the command line options, run the command with no arguments.

By default rmq-producer will send messages to the destination exchange based on what it reads from standard input. You can over-ride this by using the --source-queue argument to specify a queue from which to read messages.

The user needs to specify the host and destination exchange. When using stdin as the input, each line of input is read, split on the field separator if one is specified, turned into a message based on the message template, and published to the destination exchange.

Field Separator

The program reads from stdin and, if a field separator is specified, splits the input into parts for later processing. For example, if the input line is:


and the field separator is ",", then the input will be split into a list of strings like this:

  ["9", "23", "2013"]

The message template will then be applied to this list.

Message Template

The message template is a string that is used to generate the final message using Java's string format syntax. For example, if the input line is:


and the message template is:

  {"firstName":"%s", "lastName":"%s"}

and field separator is ",", it will produce a message like this:

  {"firstName":"Andrew", "lastName":"Turley"}

If the message template is not specified, then the input is sent directly to the destination exchange.

NOTE: Unless a source queue is specified, you must provide some sort of input from standard input, otherwise the program will hang while it waits for input. The easiest way to do this is to pipe a message in like this:

  echo '{"key": "value"}' | java -jar rmq-producer-standalone.jar ...

Source Queue

If a source queue is specified then the program reads messages from the source queue and writes them directly to the destination exchange.

NOTE: When using a source queue, the routing key from the original message will not be preserved. If a routing key is provided with the --routing-key argument then that will be used, otherwise the new message will not have a routing key.